Why UruXpat ?

Published country guides can provide very broad and useful overviews but do not provide continuous updating.
There are excellent Uruguay expat Facebook groups with thousands of members, who generously and regularly share invaluable information, most frequently in response to other members' questions. The information quickly fades from view, though, as newer, updated information is constantly added and the feeds scroll forward.
UruXpat synergistically bridges the gap between the static country guides and the ever- advancing expat Facebook feeds. We continuously gather the most up-to-date and relevant information from all available sources, categorizing, editing, and indexing it for easy access.
What UruXpat is NOT: A Q&A forum. The Uruguay expat Facebook groups brilliantly fill that need. UruXpat provides links to those groups and many other valuable resources. And we rely on feedback from the same expat community for suggestions of additional topics to cover, new or amended information to be added, and highlighting of any corrections needed - every topic covered is evolving and changing constantly.
What else we are NOT: A hotel, restaurant, beach or winery guide. There are already numerous websites, both international and local, including those that incorporate online customer reviews, that cover those areas, as well as tourist attractions, sightseeing, etc. We provide links to a few such resources. .